Stephen Syfrett
Stephen Syfrett grew up in the Radium Springs area of Albany, Ga., near the Atlantic Coast Line tracks to Thomasville. He is a graduate of Georgia Southwestern State University and holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology with a minor in Physics. He attended Emory University to pursue a Masters in Geology and began a career as an environmental geologist/hydrogeologist in 1988. Since 1984 he has worked and volunteered in various railroad maintenance, restoration, and operations positions.
After returning to Albany in late 1995, he headed environmental departments at two engineering/environmental consulting firms before starting his own environmental and historical consulting business. During this time he became involved with Thronateeska Heritage Center, being elected to their Board of Directors in 1997 and serving as board president 1999–2000. He promoted and managed the museum’s railroad display restoration effort until 2010. He is currently an independent consultant.