Central of Georgia caboose X59 has been donated to the Georgia State Railroad Museum in Savannah, Ga. The car has been privately owned since 1971, though its existence wasn’t known to the Society until recently.
Caboose X59 was built at the Macon, Ga., shops about 1927 (original number not known). The car is in extremely good condition, and still has its trucks, couplers, and brake equipment. Most of the interior fixtures are still intact. The car has plywood siding as well as the post-merger brake wheel stands and steel C-channel end sills.
The Georgia State Railroad Museum (operated by Coastal Heritage Society) is currently seeking donations to assist with the cost of moving the car from its current location in Maryland to Savannah. This will include the use of cranes for both loading and unloading, and two flat-bed trailers (one for the body, another for the trucks). Due to the size, special permits will be needed.
If you would like to help with the moving expense of X59, you can send a check, payable to Coastal Heritage Society, to the address below. Please be sure to include “Caboose X59” on the memo line. Note that an anonymous donor has pledged to match all donations received by the museum for X59.
Coastal Heritage Society
P.O. Box 642
Savannah, GA 31402
The Coastal Heritage Society is a nonprofit 501(c)3 charitable organization. All donations are tax deductible. Consult your tax advisor for details.

Current view of CofGa caboose X59. (Photographer unknown)

Current view of trucks of CofGa caboose X59. (Photographer unknown)

CofGa caboose X59 at Fort Valley, Ga., May 29, 1963. (Photographer unknown, Collection of the Central of Georgia Railway Historical Society)